Understanding Your Roles

As you start using Atlas UP, it's important to understand the roles and what you will have access to. We've designed each role to perfectly match your needs and the demands of your job, streamlining your workday.

  • Executive: As an Executive, you have complete access across Atlas UP. This means you can view and analyze any data related to employees or company operations (ex: payroll, time off, salary). Your role is crucial in overseeing the broader company strategy and making informed decisions.
    • Some examples of questions those with the Executive role can ask are:
      • Who has taken the most PTO this quarter?
      • I need a table showing those with the title of Software Developer, with salaries and how long they have worked at the company.
      • I believe Linda has a birthday coming up soon, is she the only one?
  • Employee:  As an Employee, your role is tied to day-to-day operations. You'll have access to a variety of information necessary for your tasks, specific to you (Ex: company-wide policies, personal information). However, broader system queries and sensitive data are only accessed at the executive level to ensure privacy.
    • Some examples of questions those with the Employee role can ask are:
      •  How much PTO have I taken off this year?
      • What is our sick leave policy?
      • What are our core values?
      • When was the last time I received a raise?