Recommended Policies and Documents to Load into Atlas UP

Here are some of the suggested policies and documents you may wish to include to enhance organizational efficiency and compliance

General Policies

  • Definitions: Key terms and their meanings
  • Policy Creation Procedure: Guidelines for creating new policy documents
  • Policy Review Procedure: Process for reviewing existing documents
  • Policy Approval Procedure: Steps for approving documents before they are finalized
  • At-Will Employment: States the nature of at-will employment
  • Revisions to Handbook: Policy for updating the employee handbook

IT Policies

  • Computer Security and Copying of Software: Policy on computer security and software usage
  • Employer Sponsored Social Events: Guidelines for employer-sponsored social events
  • Employer-Provided Computers/Mobile Devices: Policy on company-provided computers and mobile devices
  • Technology Stack Use and Application Policy: Policy on the use of various software applications, their functions, use cases and guidelines for that usage

Hiring and Orientation

  • Accommodations for Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Related Medical Conditions: Policies supporting employees with pregnancy and related conditions
  • Affirmative Action (Federal Contractors): Equal opportunity employment policy for federal contractors
  • Conflicts of Interest: Guidelines for managing conflicts of interest
  • Disability Accommodation: Process for accommodating employees with disabilities
  • Employment of Relatives and Friends: Policy regarding employment of relatives and friends
  • Job Descriptions: Outline of job roles and responsibilities
  • New Hires and Introductory Periods: Policy for onboarding new employees and introductory periods
  • Religious Accommodation: Guidelines for accommodating religious practices
  • Training Program: Overview of training programs for employees

Wage and Hour

  • Attendance: Policy on attendance expectations and requirements
  • Business Expenses: Guidelines for reimbursing business expenses
  • Direct Deposit: Policy encouraging direct deposit of paychecks
  • Employment Classifications: Definitions of exempt and nonexempt employees
  • Paycheck Deductions: Information on deductions from paychecks
  • Recording Time: Process for recording work hours
  • Travel Expenses: Guidelines for reimbursing travel expenses
  • Use of Employer Credit Cards: Policy for using company-issued credit cards
  • Accommodations for Nursing Mothers: Support for nursing mothers
  • Meal and Rest Periods: Policy on meal and rest breaks
  • Overtime: Guidelines for compensating overtime work
  • Pay Period: Information on pay periods
  • Reporting Time Pay: Compensation for reporting time
  • Travel Time Pay: Compensation for travel time
  • Wage Disclosure Protection: Protecting employees' wage information
  • Workday/Workweek: Definitions of workday and workweek

Safety and Loss Prevention

  • Heat Illness Prevention: Guidelines to prevent heat-related illnesses
  • Drug and Alcohol Policy: Policy on the use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace
  • General Safety: Overall safety guidelines and procedures
  • Workplace Tobacco Usage: Rules on tobacco use in the workplace
  • Workplace Violence: Policy and procedures for preventing workplace violence

Trade Secrets and Inventions

  • Confidentiality and Nondisclosure of Trade Secrets: Protecting company trade secrets and confidential information
  • Inventions: Policy on employee inventions
  • Intellectual Property: Guidelines on handling intellectual property within the company
  • Non-Compete Agreements: Rules regarding competition by former employees
  • Non-Solicitation Agreements: Restrictions on soliciting clients or employees post-employment


  • Bereavement Leave: Policy on leave for bereavement
  • California Family Rights Act (CFRA) Leave: Leave policy under the California Family Rights Act
  • Crime Victim Leave: Leave policy for crime victims
  • Disability Insurance: Information on disability insurance
  • Jury Duty Leave: Policy on leave for jury duty
  • Paid Family Leave Insurance: Paid leave policy for family care
  • Paid Sick and Safe Leave: Policy on paid sick and safe leave
  • Pregnancy Disability Leave: Leave policy for pregnancy disability
  • Reproductive Loss Leave: Policy on leave for reproductive loss
  • School Disciplinary Leave: Leave policy for school disciplinary events
  • Voting Leave: Policy on leave for voting
  • Witness Leave: Policy on leave for witnessing in court

Core Policies

  • Welcome Policy: Introduction and welcome message for new employees
  • About the Company: Information about the company

Performance and Discipline

  • Criminal Activity/Arrests: Handling criminal activity and arrests
  • Disciplinary Process: Steps for disciplinary actions
  • Exit Interview: Process for conducting exit interviews
  • Open Door/Conflict Resolution Process: Policy for addressing workplace conflicts
  • Outside Employment: Guidelines on outside employment
  • Pay Raises: Policy on employee pay raises
  • Performance Reviews: Process for conducting performance reviews
  • Post-Employment References: Policy on providing post-employment references
  • Promotions: Guidelines for employee promotions
  • Resignation Policy: Policy for handling employee resignations
  • Standards of Conduct: Code of conduct for employees
  • Transfers: Policy for employee transfers
  • Workforce Reductions (Layoffs): Guidelines for reducing the workforce