Data Governance at Atlas UP

This Data Governance document outlines the principles and guidelines governing the management, use, and protection of data at Atlas UP.

1. Introduction

This policy is designed to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data, while promoting responsible and ethical data practices.

2. Data Ownership and Stewardship

2.1 Data Ownership

All data within Atlas UP is the property of the company. Data owners are designated for each dataset, and they are responsible for authorizing access, ensuring accuracy, and overseeing compliance with data governance policies.

2.2 Data Stewardship

Data stewards are appointed for each business unit and are responsible for the day-to-day management of specific datasets. Stewards ensure data quality, enforce policies, and collaborate with data owners to address issues or changes.

3. Data Classification and Sensitivity

3.1 Data Classification

Data will be classified based on its sensitivity and criticality. Classification levels include Public, Internal, Confidential, and Restricted. Data owners and stewards will determine appropriate access controls and handling procedures based on the classification.

3.2 Data Sensitivity

Sensitive data, including personally identifiable information (PII) and financial information, will be identified and treated with additional security measures. Access to sensitive data will be restricted to authorized personnel only.

4. Data Access and Security

4.1 Access Controls

Access to data will be granted on a need-to-know basis. User access will be regularly reviewed and adjusted as necessary. Authentication and authorization mechanisms will be in place to ensure only authorized users have access to specific datasets.

4.2 Data Security

Encryption protocols will be implemented for data in transit and at rest. Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments will be conducted to identify and address potential risks. Employees will undergo regular training on security best practices.

5. Data Quality and Integrity

5.1 Data Accuracy

Data owners and stewards are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the data they manage. Regular audits and validation processes will be implemented to ensure data integrity.

5.2 Data Lifecycle Management

A defined data lifecycle, including creation, storage, usage, and deletion, will be established. Outdated or obsolete data will be securely disposed of according to company policies and legal requirements.

6. Compliance and Legal Considerations

Atlas UP will comply with all relevant data protection laws and regulations. Data owners and stewards will stay informed about changes in legislation and ensure the company's data practices align with legal requirements.

7. Data Privacy

Respecting user privacy is a top priority. Atlas UP will be transparent about its data collection and usage practices. Privacy impact assessments will be conducted for new initiatives involving the processing of personal data.

8. Monitoring and Reporting

Regular monitoring and reporting mechanisms will be established to track compliance with this policy. Incidents involving data breaches or policy violations will be promptly investigated, and corrective actions will be taken.

9. Training and Awareness

Employees will receive regular training on data governance policies and best practices. Awareness programs will be implemented to promote a culture of responsible data handling throughout the organization.

10. Policy Review and Updates

This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in technology, business practices, and regulatory requirements. Data owners and stewards will be involved in the review process.

11. Enforcement

Violations of this Data Governance Policy may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to retraining, suspension, or termination of employment. Legal action may be taken in cases of serious breaches.

12. Contact Information

For questions or concerns related to this policy, contact


Last updated January 12, 2024.